
VSware is a computer system that we use in school to formulate student timetables, record student attendance, behaviour and assessment. 


Logging on to VSware

The school will send a text to parents with a Username. To obtain a password parents should: 

  • log onto cranacollege.vsware.ie
  • click reset password 
  • enter the username and the last four digits of their mobile phone number 
  • a password will be sent to their mobile phone


What can parents view on VSware?

Parents can view their childs timetable and school report on VSware e.g. Christmas, Summer and Mock exam results.


Student Attendance

Attendance of students is recorded on VSware. Attendance at school is extremely important and is monitored closely by our School Completion Attendance Tracking Secretary and a teacher in charge of attendance. If a student is absent, they are required to have a note explaining their absence, which you can find at the back of student journal, and in some instances the Attendance Tracking Secretary may telephone home.


Parents are notified if a student has missed 10 days or more. Attendance at school is also noted on school exam reports. The Education and Welfare Act 2000 requires the school to notify the National Education Welfare Office if a student has missed 20 school days. Students who have full attendance for the year are acknowledged at our Prize Giving ceremony, and at intervals students with full attendance are entered into a draw.

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